Size: 4' by 3'
Medium: Politec glaze painting on panel with a'a niu (coconut cloth) with Calley's handcrafted bamboo frame with beadwork and hoops
Rare Originals Price: $85,000
Small (approx. 19" x 24")
Large (approx 24" x 36")
Large Hand Embellished - $1000
Small Hand embellished - $2000
Once There Was a River, Now There is a Stone
A visual prayer for water. Water is life. Fresh, clean water is the most precious and one of the most limited resources on this living planet. This is a prayer for water. Sometime after doing this piece, as if prophetically, there began a long and serious ongoing drought on the lee side of all the Hawaiian Islands. Calley took down the piece, meditated and asked for guidance and added in rain showers and a tiny plant, indicating that indeed the rains would come. How much do you love water?
Art and Soul for the Earth
Big Island of Hawai'i